Monthly Archives: February 2015

Friends of Chadkirk

The Friends of Chadkirk are volunteers who freely give their time, energy and skills to maintain and protect Chadkirk Country Park and Estate. While recognising this valuable and unique environment, we look to do what we can, where we can, to allow this vibrant, yet tranquil, haven to flourish. Throughout the year, Friends will be involved in a range of activities supporting and enabling others to visit and enjoy this special place.

Each year, thousands of visitors come to Chadkirk for a solitary stroll, to walk their dogs, to gather with friends and family in the walled garden and to linger for a coffee or ice cream in Chadkirk Chapel. While all of the visitors appreciate the beauty of the landscape and buildings here, many are unaware that much of the work is done by this small group of volunteers.It is this group that works in the Walled Garden, organises and supports many of the events and raises money to nourish, nurture and enhance the assets of Chadkirk.

This year, as in previous years there are things to enjoy throughout the year. Events organised and supported by the Friends of Chadkirk are listed below.

Chadkirk: The Walled Garden in February

Chadkirk: The Walled Garden in February

On Saturday 7th February, a hardy group of Friends will be along at the Walled Garden. These volunteers will be tidying up some of last year’s growth and preparing the garden for the year ahead.The delights of this garden are, in no small measure, a result of the cheerful contribution they make on the team gardening days. Gardening volunteers will be in the garden between 2 and 4pm. Chadkirk Chapel will be open during this time and refreshments are available for visitors in the Chapel.